How ICER Misses What Matters
Gunnar Esiason, a cystic fibrosis advocate, explains why the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review's model for determining drugs' value doesn't sit well with patients.
New Year, Same Battle
Despite taking the same medication for 23 years, Emily Schaller shares the prior authorization battle she and other cystic fibrosis patients fight each January. The Detroit native also explains how the lifestyle she’s adopted has improved her health, and how her insurer's cost-cutting tactics needlessly delay medications, derailing her efforts.
Every Day is a Battle Against Cystic Fibrosis
Challenges for cystic fibrosis patients don’t stop with managing their disease. Cystic Fibrosis Research Incorporated’s executive director Siri Vaeth describes providing input to the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review about the value of new cystic fibrosis treatments.